This list is a combination of roll overs from Q1 and some new ones.
As I mentioned in Q1 my UFO list was very long so I only posted what I was hoping to get done. I did manage to get 4 out of 6 done. Patting myself on the back!!!
The first 2 items on my list are roll overs and the rest of new additions.
1. Table Runner - October One Block Wonder. Needs quilting and binding. Finished the placements in Q1.
Your can read about it here
2. Christmas Table Runner - November One Block Wonder. Needs quilting and binding.
You can read about it here
3. Elephant Parade - needs quilting and binding.

You can read about it here
4. 2014 Mystery Quilt - needs quilting and binding.

You can read about it here
Linking up with Leanne here
. Some other easy projects are baby blankets, more scarves, hot pads, etc. and you will like the look of the worsted yarn on those. virktillbehör